Personally, we have faced many hard seasons in our marriage and lives together, but we have always stayed on the same team.
We are not here to convince you of anything...
The fact is that life does not always go as planned. Life is going to be really hard at times; and it will be made a little easier or significantly harder based on whether you stay united or you let it pit you against one another.
For us, we've faced major issues with family, multiple outside investments fail, all while raising a baby-now-toddler and moving across country! Emotionally, it was incredibly tough, but we were always on each other's side.
A key to being able to do this is the frequency that we "check-in" with each other. When you are in a challenging season, you have to dramatically increase you frequency of these check-ins and understand where the other stands in regards to connection, love, openness of communication, and where your satisfaction is dropping; all while not taking it personally and changing your individual actions regularly to continuously raise all of these scores.